
This website is provided by Lighthouse Funds LP (Lighthouse) in good faith and is designed as an aid to accompany the Product Disclosure Statement for the Lighthouse Investment Funds (Funds). The Product Disclosure Statement is available from Lighthouse in our Library, from the issuer of the Fund, FundRock NZ and from the Disclose Register. FundRock NZ is the issuer and manager of the Funds, and Lighthouse is the investment manager of the Funds.

The information contained in this website is not an offer of units in the Fund or a proposal or an invitation to make an offer to sell, or a recommendation to subscribe for or purchase, any units in the Fund. The information and any opinions in this website are based on sources that Lighthouse believes are reliable and accurate. Lighthouse, its directors, officers and employees make no representations or warranties of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this fact sheet and disclaim liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that may arise from any reliance on the information or any opinions, conclusions or recommendations contained in it, whether that loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence on the part of Lighthouse, or otherwise, except for any statutory liability which cannot be excluded.

All opinions reflect Lighthouse’s judgment at the time the website content was prepared and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, unit prices may go down as well as up and an investor in the Fund may not recover the full amount of the capital that they invest.

The information in this website is not intended to be financial advice for the purposes of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act), as amended by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act 2019 (FSLAA). In particular, in preparing this document, Lighthouse did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Professional investment advice from an appropriately qualified adviser should be taken before making any investment.

This disclaimer extends to FundRock NZ, and any entity that may be referenced in this website.

No part of this website may be reproduced without the permission of Lighthouse or FundRock NZ.